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Awards Scheme


How It Works

Please see the flow chart which will show you the path the gymnasts should naturally follow. Those gymnasts who have already passed any British Gymnastics badges will continue from where they finished the BG scheme. For example if a child received BG badge 7 they will start the Acrobay Scheme on level 6. The only difference to this path in this scheme, is once a gymnast completes level 1 they must complete Bronze Fitness before moving to the other levels. The Fitness levels are a pre-requisite before being able to move on. Therefore although a gymnast may have already completed a Silver badge for example, they will be required to complete the Bronze and Silver Fitness before moving on to the Gold levels.


During the January – March and the April – July blocks the gymnasts will be working towards their appropriate level. Depending on the level each gymnast is working on they must complete a percentage of the skills successfully in order to pass each level. Coaches will continually assess the children throughout these blocks.


What Gymnasts Receive

Once a child successfully completes a level they will be presented with a certificate and medal at parent/carer watching week. Which will be the second last week of the block.


(there is an additional charge for this)

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